In the age of movie reboots, this is another reboot of my blog.
My personal site was started back in the mid-90s as static html converted to SSI over time and you can still find a glimpse of it here. Then it was converted to Textpattern and languished again which you can see here. Then it was redone in Blogger and after a few posts sat again.
I’ve been wanting to post some random thoughts but grew very tired of Facebook so I thought it was time to resurrect the personal blog, even if it might be passé these days. We’ve been dabbling in WordPress the past few years and thought it should be where my blog lives too. Once again, Cherie blew me away with an awesome new design. Thanks babe!
I’ve carried over all of the posts from Blogger (it’s a sad list I know) and may post a link to the old design someday for posterity. Hopefully I can start writing a bit about code and random tech subjects that have been on my mind as something to reflect on later. Maybe someone else will find it interesting.
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