Apple recently discontinued QuickTime for Windows after it was reported to have security issues. Here is a letter I wrote to Tim Cook.
Dear Mr. Cook,
When I wrote to you September, 2014, I mentioned a concern I had for the pending Yosemite launch based on known problems with Mavericks. Since then I participated in the iOS 9.0 Public Beta and yet still see reported bugs in 9.3. I recently commented on an article about the current QuickTime for Windows situation that I thought I should share with you:
Fine if Apple wants to discontinue a product but this was not a very good way. They should have been proactive and way ahead of this negative press.
After pondering the different comments here, I think this situation coming to light finally answers some questions many of us have had over what in the world is going on with X application or Y bug/feature. Always optimistically saying Apple must have a grand plan, now I think there are some serious widespread issues that manifest in the problems we’ve been seeing. It’s heartbreaking and I really hope this situation prompts them to clean things up. This isn’t just about QuickTime for Windows being discontinued.
Obviously, someone dropped the ball on this specific QuickTime issue and instead of a graceful discontinuation you have negative press and fallout. However, I believe this situation is emblematic of some serious shortcomings within Apple at least as far as applications, bugs, and features are handled. I hope you will take this to heart.
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