Yeah, I said it. Sales tax. It has to be one of the uglier sides of configuring online shopping carts. Now there are rumblings that some states are going to require that tax be collected by e-tailers for each state, county, city, or municipality. That is a lot of tax. No one seems to really know how it’s supposed to work. Everyone seems to have a different opinion, including accountants. I’m not a tax expert, and work hard at keeping it that way, but I still have to work with it here and there.
My New Blog
A look-at-my-new-blog post is pretty typical for a first post, but I really do want you to look at mine. It’s because my awesome wife designed it as a surprise just for me! I had mentioned wanting to start a blog and she came up with this design. It’s just another excellent example of her great sense of design and ability. Thanks Cherie!